Dr. Dabber SWITCH online
Firstly, The Dr. Dabber Switch is a dual-use vaporizer that utilizes induction heat technology. Full induction heating creates an even heating surface temperature with fewer hot-spots,
providing a consistent flavor during the vaporizing experience.
Secondly, Engineered with twenty-five finely calibrated heat settings, the Switch is the ultimate in versatility; regardless if you prefer micro-dosing or big dabs, or even a specific flavor profile, t
his electronic dab rig was designed to be customizable for every session.
Again, The heavy-duty charging port and connectors are capable of pass-through charging. What is mind-blowing is that this giant portable dab cannon can achieve a full battery in an hour.
The SWITCH will deliver up to 150 uses per full charge. That matters when you throw a two-day long house party.
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More so, With its comfortable ergonomic design and easy controls wrapped up in a stunningly beautiful package, the SWITCH is truly a sight to behold.
The main thing that sets this rig apart from the crowd is its use of induction heat technology.
Furthermore, Instead of coming directly in contact with a hot surface, the induction cups allow heat to be convected throughout the substance itself, maximizing its integrity and flavor profile.
In addition, The SWITCH is the ultimate in versatility, engineered with 25 carefully calibrated heat settings and precise temperature controls. It also features a self-cleaning mode utilizing a high-energy heat cycle intended to burn away any residue from the induction cups.
With a full charge providing 150 uses and taking only 60 minutes to achieve, the SWITCH represents the most high-end in innovative vaporization technology.
It’s a powerful showcase of the most advanced engineering the industry has to offer.
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Clinton Schmidt –
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Wallace Alvarez –
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Jeanne Griffin –
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Earnest S. Payan –
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Luiz Gomes Sousa –
Dr. Dabber SWITCH. is a dual-use vaporizer that utilizes induction heat technology. Full induction heating creates an even heating surface temperature with fewer hot spots
I love it
Jermaine Allen –
My first purchase from this brand and I am very impressed